skill map

Enjoy in-depth knowledge of your human capital

Only someone with a thorough knowledge of their own staff and of the expertise required for their business needs can create a strategic plan for training, promotion and recruitment that really works.

That’s why it’s so important that you identify both existing competencies and those required for your human resources.

Our competencies evaluation software, which is highly customizable, enables you to choose exactly how many and what competencies to track and in what way, with no limit to number and type.

Preserve your current evaluation system

The flexibility of Altamira Performance allows you to reproduce your existing competencies assessment process in an interactive, digital environment. All the work you’ve done so far will not be lost!

Basically, our employee assessment software enables you to define the competencies for each role and decide which transversal competencies are indispensable to anyone working for the company.

The process can still be extensively customized by each customer, for example by linking competencies to individual employees, establishing different timeframes for the evaluation process, choosing between quantitative and qualitative evaluations, etc.

Skill report

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Valutazione competenze Altamira

Put the employee at the centre of the process

In addition to the manager’s assessment, it is possible to allow for self-assessment by the employee, so as to increase their engagement and get more inputs to consider.

Both the manager and the employee, in fact, have free access to the evaluation tab (or PMP, Performance Management Process) and interact at every stage, with the help of the integrated notification system.

Involving the employees in the evaluation process is the best way to maximize levels of participation and engagement by all staff.

Be guided by the competencies gap

The difference between the existing skillset and the one desired determines the competencies gap which is calculated automatically by our platform.

This gap to be bridged influences the content of the company’s training plan and provides information which can be useful for recruiting activities and decisions about promotions.

Thanks to the reports available, you have a complete skills map of the company. You can also analyze the competencies gap by business unit, role or any other parameter available in the competencies assessment platform.


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