The drawback of traditional performance management processes is that they are not very interactive or transparent.
Altamira Performance eliminates both these problems, providing managers and employees with a self-service environment in which to interact in complete transparency.
Every employee receives their own credentials (username and password) and can visualize their own appraisal, whilst managers can insert their assessments on their direct co-workers.
A system of notifications and deadlines means that each step of the appraisal can be linked to the activation of an email to the person or persons concerned.
Thus, for instance, the opening of the appraisal phase is automatically notified by email both to the employee and to the appropriate manager, who can then input their own assessments.
Deadlines too can be linked to alerts so that all players in the process are sure to do their part in a timely way.
The workflow that regulates the employee assessment process can be customized to reflect the needs and usual practices of your company.
You can set a different scale of values for each competence, for example the “European” scale A1, A2, B1, B2 and so on, for languages. You can also introduce a mid-year step, the mid-year review, to comment on the goals set up, choose between qualitative and quantitative assessments, specify the timing etc.
The platform supports assessment processes involving several managers and scenarios in which the employee reports to more than one supervisor, setting up a separate evaluation process with each of them. You can also define approval workflows with several approval levels: for example, a prior approval by the direct supervisor and a final validation by the second level supervisor.
Choose from amongst the numerous reports available on the platform or create new ones using our editor: at any time, you can extract all the information you need and view this clearly in pie charts, histograms, tables etc.
Thanks to the reports, decisions about awards, promotions, renewals, hiring, content of the company training plan, can be made on the basis of concrete data.
In this way, you can plan your human resources development on the grounds of merit and objective factors instead of making subjective judgments.