The manager and the employee jointly draw up a series of objectives to be achieved in the course of the performance assessment cycle, be this annual or biannual.
Each goal has a title and a description, as well as a weighting which determines its importance.
This system enables organizations which use the Management by Objectives methodology to provide their employees with the tools they need in order to set goals and monitor their achievement.
In the evaluation phase, employees and managers indicate to what extent the goals established earlier have been achieved.
Our performance management system allows you to evaluate the achievement of goals both in numerical form – ideal for commercial roles – and in qualitative form, ideal for technical roles.
The presence of a comments box enables you to indicate the reasons behind decisions taken and gives extra food for thought to the employee.
The performance management process is effective only if you have the time and opportunity to evaluate the results and to set up a development strategy.
For this reason, our performance management platform allows you to include at the end of the process an overall rating that summarizes all the preceding ones.
This is a useful parameter for Management by Objective policies and when making decisions about promotions, awards, pay rises, etc. The entity of a bonus can also be calculated by the platform, using a customized mathematical formula.
Once the performance management cycle has been completed, it is time to plan for the future.
Altamira Performance offers a special section in which employees and managers can agree on urgent issues and development activities and draw up the guidelines for the following year’s evaluation process.
Complete data on competencies and goals are available at all times to the parties involved: the platform is able to track the history of every activity undertaken.