Altamira Performance

Performance Management Software that
puts managers and employees in control


Why choose Altamira Performance

“We opted for Altamira Performance because we believe it is a very useful tool to optimize the employee review process. The Cloud stores all data related to a person, including graphs and a periodic review that assesses the trend of skills and behaviour, and strengthens the concept of organization even for employees who are less present in the company.”

alice di diego
Alice Di Diego, Managing Partner with Ambrosiana Advisory
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Digitize the staff appraisal process

Manage skills and performance evaluation as well as goal setting in a single integrated environment, delegating the lion’s share of the work to managers and employees.
Switching from systems based on hard copies, complex Excel spreadsheets or Access databases will bring you immediate returns in terms of efficiency!

Discover what’s so special about our platform

Create and manage competency mapping

With our staff appraisal software, creating a skills matrix for your firm is child’s play.
You will have a complete overview of the strengths and weaknesses of your company’s human capital and will be ready to take prompt action to address any critical issues that may arise.

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Advantages of our performance
Management software

Altamira Performance2

Recreate and customize your evaluation processes

Many companies already have a tried and tested mechanism and an existing employee evaluation template and desire simply to transfer this to an interactive, digital environment. This is why our skill assessment software is highly customizable, allowing you to recreate the processes and evaluation templates of your choice.

Set up your performance management process

Reward merit with an MBO system

Use Altamira Performance to flesh out your Management by Objective strategy. Set company and personal objectives, giving each one a weight in the calculation of rewards. Continue the process of evaluating objectives within the set time frame, involving both managers and employees thanks to notifications and the full transparency of the process.

Find out more on our MBO management solution

Assess skills through observable behavior

Our performance evaluation software also supports evaluation through observable behaviors, which is becoming increasingly widespread among companies. This model allows evaluators to be more objective, judging the frequency of a concrete behavior as opposed to an abstract competence. Then, the platform calculates a unique grade to be used for training and incentive programs!

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Schedule assessments’ date and frequency

Our employee evaluation software allows you to choose a set period of time, usually on an annual basis, to calculate the goals achieved, define new development actions, assign rewards, etc. Our software also provides the flexibility to schedule additional assessments, for instance, to review the evaluation criteria or to collect valuable feedback that could enhance the accuracy of the final evaluation.


Share ratings and encourage self-assessment

Most performance and skills evaluation processes fail because of opposition from employees, who think they are being judged and don’t feel very involved. Empower managers and employees by giving them the opportunity to evaluate and be evaluated using an interactive performance management software. You will also reduce your workload at the same time!

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Discover and fill skills gaps

With Altamira Performance it is easy to identify employee skills gaps that are making your business inefficient. This way, you can step in to fill gaps, for example, by designing a targeted training plan or hiring new staff.

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Define goals clearly

Enable managers and employees to define goals clearly. Transform the definition of goals into a collaborative effort that takes place entirely on line and allow participants to make changes to goals if initial conditions change.

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Keep assessments on track

Employees and their managers have pressing schedules and little time for assessments. Altamira’s performance appraisal software notifies participants when it is their turn to interact with the process. This ease of use ensures high levels of adoption.


Make use of reports and final overviews

Our employee evaluation software gives you the results of the performance management program in an easy-to-read format. On the one hand, it summarizes the final evaluation of an employee into a single rating. On the other hand, thanks to the many reports available, including those that you create yourself, it provides you with information, statistics and trends relating to all your staff.


Take advantage of the convenience it offers

Skills assessment is often only undertaken by large corporations, either because it calls for many hours of work or because this kind of software is often very expensive. If you work in a small or medium business, you too can enjoy the benefit of this process by adopting our inexpensive and flexible staff appraisal software!


Secure critical performance data

Performance evaluations contain top management’s objectives and assessments. Altamira’s employee appraisal software provides an environment where data of this sensitivity is protected from inside and outside the organization.

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Get total support for your business

Our HR assessment tools are backed-up by a first-class support service. You will have at your continuous disposal two key focal points in the company (one technical and one commercial) and you can also count on our top-rate Service Level Agreement!

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Create an integrated ecosystem thanks to the Altamira API

We believe that HR management is an integral part of a company’s business, which is why we have created an open platform that is ready to integrate with the applications you’re already using. Thanks to our API (Application Programming Interface), which offers both data reading and writing functionality, your coders can develop sophisticated processes of data exchange, giving you total control over the information and processes of your business. Just like the platform itself, the API is customizable according to your needs.